We are three guys from Germany with an academic background in mathematics. Our fascination for Artificial Intelligence began during our studies. When we started with AI, we noticed that in the literature many topics are explained in a very complicated and complex way. Therefore, we simply decided to create our own explanations and tutorials.
We cover all kinds of topics from the field of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. As our name suggests, our content is mainly focused on Deep Learning. As AI continues to grow in importance, it will become increasingly important to understand the techniques behind it.
Our mission is straightforward: we want to make our knowledge and experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Deep Learning accessible to everyone. We do this by explaining topics from these fields as simply as possible through clear and visualised explanations and hands-on tutorials.
Join our academy and get to know the concepts and techniques behind Artificial Intelligence. You will see that some topics are very straightforward and not as complex as you might think. We will guide you on your way to becoming an Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Analyst or AI expert.
Social Media
We regularly publish posts on our Instagram & Facebook page @deeplearningnerds. With these posts, we try to explain the basics of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning in a very visualized way. We also post simple code examples and hands-on tutorials that should help you to learn the programming language Python. Visit our social media pages and start your journey to become an AI expert.
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✔ Full Access
You will get full access to our premium posts. We provide new posts regularly.
✔ Hands-on Tutorials
You will get access to hands-on tutorials. For example, we show you from scratch how to build machine learning models, implement data pipelines or build outstanding dashboards.
✔ Best Practices
You will get access to a collection of best practices and valuable tips.
✔ Career Advices
You will benefit from valuable career advices. This will be a gamechanger for your own career as Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer or Data Analyst.
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