Data Engineer

Data Engineer

As a Data Engineer, I collect, extract and transform raw data in order to provide clean, reliable and usable data.

76 posts
PySpark - Replace Empty Strings with Null Values
Academy Membership PySparkPython

PySpark - Replace Empty Strings with Null Values

Introduction When working with PySpark DataFrames, handling missing or empty values is a common task in data preprocessing. In many cases, empty strings ("") should be treated as null values for better compatibility with Spark operations, such as filtering, aggregations, and machine learning workflows. In this tutorial, we’ll...

PySpark - Split a Column into Multiple Columns
Academy Membership PySparkPython

PySpark - Split a Column into Multiple Columns

Introduction When working with data in PySpark, you might often encounter scenarios where a single column contains multiple pieces of information, such as a combination of names, categories, or attributes. In such cases, it is essential to split these values into separate columns for better data organization and analysis. In...

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