
In the realm of data visualization, bar charts stand tall as one of the most effective and widely used tools for conveying information. In Power BI, it is very easy to create vertical and horizontal bar charts. Furthermore a grouping can be added, which can be displayed in different ways. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create bar charts in Power BI and how to add a grouping.


The data for this tutorial comes from an Excel file. In the following tutorial, we explain how to import Data from an Excel file into Power BI:

Power BI - Import Data from Excel file
Introduction In this tutorial, we want to import Data from a Excel file into Power BI. This can be easily done in the Power BI Desktop interface. Data Source Our data source is the Excel file student. The file contains the following data: Power BI Desktop In the following, we

We have loaded the data into Power BI without executing any transformations. The data looks as follows:

Create Bar Chart

Now, let's explore how to visualize the data with a bar chart.

First, open the report view.

The report view looks as follows:

On the right hand side you can choose various visualizations. You can find a selection of vertical and horizontal bar charts. There is also a distinction between the grouping for both types. There is a stacked and a clustered variation for the grouping.

We want to visualize the data with a vertical bar chart and a stacked grouping. So we choose a stacked column chart.

A blank stacked column chart is then created on the report page.

Simple Bar Chart

First, we want to visualize the data with a simple bar chart.

We want to visualize how many students are born in each year.

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