
When dealing with large datasets in PySpark, it's common to encounter situations where you need to manipulate string data within your DataFrame columns. One such common operation is extracting a portion of a string—also known as a substring—from a column. In this tutorial, we will explore how to extract substrings from a DataFrame column in PySpark.

Import Libraries

First, we import the following python modules:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import substring

Create SparkSession

Before we can work with Pyspark, we need to create a SparkSession. A SparkSession is the entry point into all functionalities of Spark.

In order to create a basic SparkSession programmatically, we use the following command:

spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .appName("Python PySpark Example") \

Create PySpark DataFrame

Next, we create the PySpark DataFrame with some example data from a list. To do this, we use the createDataFrame() method and pass the data and the column names as arguments.

column_names = ["language", "framework", "users"]
data = [
    ("Python", "Django", 20000),
    ("Python", "FastAPI", 9000),
    ("Java", "Spring", 7000),
    ("JavaScript", "ReactJS", 5000)
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, column_names)


|  language|framework|users|
|    Python|   Django|20000|
|    Python|  FastAPI| 9000|
|      Java|   Spring| 7000|
|JavaScript|  ReactJS| 5000|

Extract Substring

Now, let's say we want to extract the first 3 characters from the framework column. In PySpark, we can achieve this using the substring function of PySpark.

The substring function takes three arguments:

  • The column name from which you want to extract the substring.
  • The starting position (1-based index).
  • The length of the substring to extract.

Let's extract the first 3 characters from the framework column:

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