

107 posts
Seaborn - Pairplots

Seaborn - Pairplots

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to create a Pairplot. In order to do this, we use the pairplot() function of Seaborn. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Load Data We would like to use a seaborn sample...

Keras - One-Hot Encoding
Academy Membership KerasPython

Keras - One-Hot Encoding

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to one-hot encode a NumPy array that contains categorical values. In order to do this, we use the to_categorical() function of Keras. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: import numpy as np from keras.utils import to_categorical Define Data...

PySpark - Date and Timestamp

PySpark - Date and Timestamp

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to add the current date and the current timestamp to a PySpark DataFrame. In order to do this, we use the current_date() function and the current_timestamp() function of PySpark. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: from pyspark.sql import...

NumPy - Create an Array

NumPy - Create an Array

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to show different ways how to create an array. In order to create an array, we use the functions array(), zeros(), arange() and linespace() of NumPy. Import Libraries First, we import the following python module: import numpy as np Array function NumPy offers different...

NumPy - Join Arrays

NumPy - Join Arrays

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to join NumPy arrays along different axes. In order to do this, we use the functions hstack(), vstack() and dstack() of NumPy. Import Libraries First, we import the following python module: import numpy as np Define Data Let's consider two arrays a...

Python - Import Stock Prices from Yahoo Finance
Academy Membership Python

Python - Import Stock Prices from Yahoo Finance

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to import Stock Prices from Yahoo Finance into Python. In order to do this, we use ticker module of YFinance. YFinance The python library yfinance enables access to financial data from Yahoo Finance. Yahoo Finance provides various financial market data such as stock...

Pandas - Ordinal Encoding

Pandas - Ordinal Encoding

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to encode ordinal categorical variables of a Pandas DataFrame. In order to do this, we use the replace() method of Pandas. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: import pandas as pd Create Pandas DataFrame Next, we create a Pandas DataFrame with...

Pandas - One-Hot Encoding

Pandas - One-Hot Encoding

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to one-hot encode a categorical variable of a Pandas DataFrame. In order to do this, we use the get_dummies() function of Pandas. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: import pandas as pd Create Pandas DataFrame Next, we create a Pandas...

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