

101 posts
Pandas - Ordinal Encoding

Pandas - Ordinal Encoding

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to encode ordinal categorical variables of a Pandas DataFrame. In order to do this, we use the replace() method of Pandas. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: import pandas as pd Create Pandas DataFrame Next, we create a Pandas DataFrame with...

Pandas - One-Hot Encoding

Pandas - One-Hot Encoding

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to one-hot encode a categorical variable of a Pandas DataFrame. In order to do this, we use the get_dummies() function of Pandas. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: import pandas as pd Create Pandas DataFrame Next, we create a Pandas...

Pandas - Regular Expressions (Regex)

Pandas - Regular Expressions (Regex)

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to use regular expressions (regex) to filter, replace and extract strings of a Pandas DataFrame based on specific patterns. In order to do this, we use the str.contains() method, the str.replace() method and the str.extract() method of Pandas. Import Libraries First,...

Matplotlib - Barplots

Matplotlib - Barplots

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to create a Barplot. In order to do this, we use the bar() function of Matplotlib. Import Libraries First, we import the Pyplot submodule. The Pyplot submodule contains a collection of important functions such as the plot() function or the bar() function. In addition,...

Pandas - Unique Values of a DataFrame Column

Pandas - Unique Values of a DataFrame Column

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to count and get the unique values in a column of a Pandas DataFrame. In order to do this, we use the the nunique() method and the unique() method of Pandas. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: import pandas as pd...

Pandas - Concatenate DataFrames

Pandas - Concatenate DataFrames

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to concatenate multiple Pandas DataFrames. In order to do this, we use the the concat() function of Pandas. Import Libraries First, we import the following python modules: import pandas as pd Create Pandas DataFrames We create two Pandas DataFrames with some example data from...

Matplotlib - Scatterplots

Matplotlib - Scatterplots

Introduction In this tutorial, we want to create a Scatterplot. In order to do this, we use the scatter() function of Matplotlib. Import Libraries First, we import the Pyplot submodule. The Pyplot submodule contains a collection of important functions such as the plot() function or the scatter() function. In addition,...

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